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Alternate Compliance, Departures and Time Extension Approvals
data last updated: 02-16-2025 03:00 AM(CST)

The following table lists alternate compliance, departures and time extensions BSEE has approved since June 15, 2020. Approval information will be added to this table within 15 days of the approval and the data will be refreshed weekly, on Sundays.

Alternate compliance means any alternate procedures or equipment that an operator proposes to use which provides a level of safety and environmental protection that equals or surpasses current BSEE requirements. Departures mean approvals granted by the appropriate BSEE or BOEM representative for operating requirements/procedures other than those specified in the regulations.

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 Measurement VerificationTime Extension2/14/202530 CFR 250.1202(k)(3)NGulf of America03255High Point Gas Gathering, L.L.C.Liquid Hydrocarbon Allocation Monthly Meter ProvingsFMP No. (Required)22608165111 Extension Month (MM/YYYY)02/2025Location (AA 0BBB P)VK 0817 A Meter DataLiquid Allocation Meter, Serial Num. 1  
 RPM ABANDONAlternate Compliance2/14/202530 CFR 250.1715(a)(8) Gulf of America02899Talos ERT LLCAn alternate compliance to 250.1715(a)(8) is requested to leave a surface cement plug in the well that is less than 150' in length due to wellbore conditions.LeaseG06655Area/BlockEC 346Rig ID45016Well Name A007API Well Number177044069500
 SidetrackAlternate Compliance2/14/202530 CFR 250.737(c) Gulf of America03481Cantium, LLCDigital BOP testing Lease Area/BlockBM 2Rig ID82313Well Name 076API Well Number177144001206
 SidetrackAlternate Compliance2/14/202530 CFR 250.737(c) Gulf of America02628Arena Offshore, LPDigital BOP testing LeaseG10638Area/BlockEC 328Rig ID100067Well Name C002API Well Number177044110902
 SidetrackAlternate Compliance2/14/202530 CFR 250.736(d)(2) Gulf of America02628Arena Offshore, LPUsing a non-strippable kelly-type valveLeaseG10638Area/BlockEC 328Rig ID100067Well Name C002API Well Number177044110902
 APM ABANDONAlternate Compliance2/14/202530 CFR 250.737(c) Gulf of America00981Anadarko Petroleum CorporationDigital BOP testing LeaseG16783Area/BlockGC 727Rig ID100033Well Name 005API Well Number608114078700
 Surface Commingling and Measurement RequestsDeparture2/14/202530 CFR 250.1202(k)(2)NGulf of America03672Talos QN Exploration LLCLiquid Hydrocarbon Allocation Turbine Meter SamplingBSEE Assigned Control No.20240118Letter TypeDEPARTURELease/Unit (G01234, 123456789)G05889, G05900, G14023, G15545, G15546, G16648, G34539, 754399006AArea/Block (AB 0123)GC 0065, GC 0109, GC 0110, GC 0112, GC 0113, GC 0243, GC 0064, GC 0244Complex ID (1001, 1002)23552-1
 FSS PermitTime Extension2/14/202530 CFR 250.520NGulf of America00105Apache CorporationTime Extension for Casing Pressure MonitoringComplex ID27066Area CodeSMBlock Number 280Facility NameSM 280 - G  
 FSS PermitTime Extension2/14/202530 CFR 250.880(c)(3)(iii)NGulf of America03255High Point Gas Gathering, L.L.C.Time Extension for ESD testing Complex ID24201Area CodeVKBlock Number 817Facility NameVK 817 - A  
 FSS PermitTime Extension2/14/202530 CFR 250.842(d)NGulf of America02628Arena Offshore, LPTime Extension for As Built DrawingsComplex ID21864Area CodeSMBlock Number 128Facility NameSM 128 - A/SA-2  
 FSS PermitTime Extension2/14/202530 CFR 250.842(d)NGulf of America02628Arena Offshore, LPTime Extension for As Built DrawingsComplex ID21860Area CodeSMBlock Number 128Facility NameSM 128 - B  
 Measurement VerificationTime Extension2/14/202530 CFR 250.1203(c)(1)NGulf of America01284W & T Offshore, Inc.Gas Royalty Meter CalibrationsFMP No. (Required)3060807MD03Extension Month (MM/YYYY)02/2025Location (AA 0BBB P)GB 0783 AMeter DataGas Sales Meters, Serial Num. A03EV044-1, A03EV044-2, and A03EV046  
 Measurement VerificationTime Extension2/14/202530 CFR 250.1203(c)(1)NGulf of America01284W & T Offshore, Inc.Gas Royalty Meter CalibrationsFMP No. (Required)3142711HI0OExtension Month (MM/YYYY)02/2025Location (AA 0BBB P)HIA0384 AMeter DataGas Sales Meters, Serial Num. 605.515.11-01 and 605.515.11-03  
 RPM ABANDONDeparture2/14/202530 CFR 250.1715(a)(6) Gulf of America02899Talos ERT LLCA departure is required from 30 CFR 250.1715(a)(6) on the A007 well at EC 346 to cut a 35' window in the 20" casing so that an API 11D1 Inflatable packer and 28' of cement can be set in the 20" casing. LeaseG06655Area/BlockEC 346Rig ID45016Well Name A007API Well Number177044069500
 FSS PermitAlternate Compliance2/14/202530 CFR 250.107NGulf of America01834Talos Petroleum LLCPressurized Welding EnclosureComplex ID24130Area CodeVKBlock Number 989Facility NameVK 989 - A  
 FSS PermitTime Extension2/13/202530 CFR 250.520NGulf of America03670White Fleet Operating, LLCTime Extension for Casing Pressure MonitoringComplex ID1447Area CodeEIBlock Number 364Facility NameEI 364 - A  
 FSS PermitTime Extension2/13/202530 CFR 250.880(c)(2)(i)NPacific03280Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas LLCPSV Time ExtensionComplex ID52000Area CodeSMBlock Number 6374Facility NameSM 6374 - IRENE  
 FSS PermitTime Extension2/13/202530 CFR 250.810NGulf of America03670White Fleet Operating, LLCTime Extension for SSSV testing or Annual No Flow VerificationComplex ID1447Area CodeEIBlock Number 364Facility NameEI 364 - A  
 FSS PermitTime Extension2/13/202530 CFR 250.880(c)NGulf of America03670White Fleet Operating, LLCTime Extension for API RP 14C Device Testing (PSHL, LSHL, TSH, PSV, BSL, FSL, FSV, and SDV)Complex ID1447Area CodeEIBlock Number 364Facility NameEI 364 - A  
 FSS PermitTime Extension2/13/202530 CFR 250.301NGulf of America03670White Fleet Operating, LLCTime Extension for Pollution InspectionsComplex ID1447Area CodeEIBlock Number 364Facility NameEI 364 - A  
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