Pipeline Permits Online Query

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Pipeline Permits Online Query
data last updated: 03-23-2025 04:00 PM(CST)

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  1#01EI 207 00575AEI 193 005726/10/19709/2/1970DECP06 BLKG01963Apex Oil & Gas, Inc.831440  9400DOIN    5/11/2005
  2ASM 33 00780BSM 33 007805/19/19708/27/1970DECP06 BLKO00114BP America Production Company101440  12500DOIN   7/1/19882/1/1989
  3#01SS 38UNLEASEPPSS 26G014412/17/19703/24/1972DECP04 G/C00114BP America Production Company101440 RELQ10560DOIN     
  4AWD 35G01069CWD 32 0036712/19/19691/14/1970DECP04 OIL00114BP America Production Company191440  27148DOIN     
  Submittals 6A PlatformSS 219 00829F-Pump PlatformSS 208G0122812/2/19708/4/1971ACT08G13496OIL03209Renaissance Offshore, LLC1131440  65848DOIN 7/28/2021   
  Submittals 7ASM 50 00788ASM 49 007878/27/19707/16/1971DECP03 OIL01364Newfield Exploration Company1000  3900DOIN6/1/2013    
  Submittals 8#01EI 193 00572AEI 193 005726/10/19709/1/1970DECP03 GAS01364Newfield Exploration Company901440  2800DOIN     
  Submittals 9Platform AEI 193 00572Platform BEI 215 005785/20/19709/2/1970DECP04G13439BLKG02312McMoRan Oil & Gas LLC1031440 RELQ22000DOIY5/5/20118/5/2012 5/31/20137/22/2013
  Submittals 10B-PRDEI 215 00578AEI 188 004435/20/19709/20/1970PABN06G13441OIL02628Arena Offshore, LP1031440 RELQ58900DOIN3/28/20193/7/20228/17/2021  
  Submittals 10B-PRDEI 215 00578AEI 188 004435/20/19709/20/1970PABN06G13441OIL02628Arena Offshore, LP1031440  58900DOIN3/28/20193/7/20228/17/2021  
  11BWD 35G01069AWD 35G0106910/27/197112/16/1971DECP04 BLKO00114BP America Production Company701440  6000DOIN     
  Submittals 12Platform BSS 219G36942Platform ASS 219G369429/29/19711/5/1972ACT06 BLKG03209Renaissance Offshore, LLC1171440  5669DOIY     
  Submittals 13DWD 75G01085AWD 90G010898/23/197112/12/1972DECP06 OIL00105Apache Corporation1901440  7810DOIN12/15/2008 6/25/201012/19/20137/25/2014
  Submittals 14AWD 90G01089DWD 75G010858/23/197112/12/1972PABN06 GAS03295Fieldwood Energy LLC1901440  7800DOIN   2/22/2024 
  Submittals 15DWD 75G01085FWD 75G010858/23/19711/14/1973PABN08 GAS03295Fieldwood Energy LLC1721440  4275DOIN   2/22/2024 
  Submittals 16FWD 75G01085DWD 75G010858/23/197112/12/1972DECP04 BLKG00105Apache Corporation1721440  4300DOIN12/15/2008 6/25/201012/19/20137/25/2014
  17CWD 89G01088BWD 90G010895/3/19716/23/1971DECP04 BLKO00114BP America Production Company2201440  15000DOIN     
  18#04SM 33 00780BSM 33 007805/14/19736/20/1973DECP06 BLKO00114BP America Production Company921440  7400DOIN     
  Submittals 19Platform BSS 219G36942Platform ASS 219G369428/7/197210/18/1972ACT06 BLKO03209Renaissance Offshore, LLC1171440  5669DOIN     
  Submittals 20CSS 219 00829ASS 219 008298/7/197210/18/1972DECP04 BLKO00048Sabine Oil & Gas Corporation1171440  5100DOIN12/9/1997  8/25/19989/22/1998
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 163854786APPROVE7/22/20095/21/2009ROW ModificationSKRequest to Modify Right-of-Way grant OCS-G 13496 and associated pipeline Segment No. 6 by 1) Partially Decommission by removal 1859 feet of damaged pipe (Segment No. 16198) displaced by Hurricane Ike; 2) Replacing damaged pipe with 1752 feet of new pipe to reconnect to Platform F, all located in Ship Shoal Area Block 208.
 163855276APPROVE8/11/20109/30/2009Modification Completion ReportSKRequest to Modify Right-of-Way grant OCS-G 13496 and associated pipeline Segment No. 6 by 1) Partially Decommission by removal 1859 feet of damaged pipe (Segment No. 16198) displaced by Hurricane Ike; 2) Replacing damaged pipe with 1752 feet of new pipe to reconnect to Platform F, all located in Ship Shoal Area Block 208.
 163962226APPROVE9/3/20099/1/2009Departure/Alternate Compliance RequestSKRequest to that all newly laid sections of pipeline, tie-in spools, and riser will be hydrostatically tested for 8 hours in the field and then perform a two hour leak tested of the entire pipeline in lieu of 30 CFR 250.1003(b)(1) hydrotest requirement.
 164761426APPROVE5/1/20125/1/2012Special RequestBSnotification to make correction on destination of pipeline. Desitination should be SS208F-pump instead of SS208F
 165092346APPROVE4/23/20134/15/2013ROW AssignmentMMROW Assignment from Black Elk Energy, LLC (3033) to Renaissance Offshore, LLC (3209)
 243197526ACKNOWLEDGED6/29/20206/25/2020Out of Service NotificationAE60-Day Notification PSN 6 - Out-of-Service
 245330246APPROVE8/17/20207/15/2020ROW ModificationMMRequest Cessation of Operations for ROW OCS G13946, PSN 6
 2195326536ACKNOWLEDGED5/12/20215/11/2021Return to Service NotificationAEReturn to Service
 3161877276ACCEPTED3/28/20232/20/2023Annual Cathodic Protection ReportAE2022 Calendar Year Cathodic Protection Report.
 4071935716ACCEPTED8/27/20242/29/2024Annual Cathodic Protection ReportAD2023 Calendar Year Cathodic Protection Report.
 5430639046REWORK3/20/20252/12/2025Annual Cathodic Protection ReportAD2024 CY Cathodic Protection Report.
 162049157APPROVE8/25/20048/24/2004Departure/Alternate Compliance RequestTLRequests a departure from the NTL 98-20, Section IV B (1), on site requirements requiring safe working areas to be marked with buoys while moving the Ensco 93 jack-up rig over South Marsh Island Block 49 "A", Well A-4.
 162306747CANCELLED5/3/20124/29/2005Departure/Alternate Compliance RequestTLRequests a departure from 30 CFR.250.1007(a)(5) and NTL 98-20 Section III,(C.2d) for pipeline pre-installation surveys and requests approval to utilize the existing survey data in lieu of a centerline survey for the proposed Right-of-Way pipeline to be submitted originating at "F" platform to "B" platform all located in West Delta Block 133.
 162600098CANCELLED5/15/20121/11/2006Departure/Alternate Compliance RequestTLRequests a waiver to use 3D seismic to produce the Hazards and Site-specific report for four proposed wells in Garden Banks Block 258, Lease OCS-27632.
 160704109APPROVE3/15/20013/12/2001ROW ModificationMBChange from unidirectional to bidirectional.
 159254169APPROVE3/15/20013/15/2001ROW ModificationMBChange of service from gas/condensate to bulk gas.
 164556459APPROVE3/9/20128/1/2011ROW ModificationBSCessarion of operation until August 5, 2012
 164707959APPROVE3/9/20123/6/2012ROW Relinquishment and Decommissioning ApplicationBSRelinquish ROW OCS G13439 in is entirety and decommission pipeline in-place. Also requests departure from pigging the pipeline prior to decommissioing as required in accordance with 30 CFR 250.1751 (b). Pipeline will be flushed and filled with at least 2.5 times pipeline volume of sea water until discharge carries no traces of hydrocarbons.
 164866309APPROVE10/29/20128/24/2012Departure/Alternate Compliance RequestDGRequest departure from 30 CFR 250.1006 from flush and fill until March 30, 2013
 164882879APPROVE9/20/20129/20/2012Departure/Alternate Compliance RequestBHRequest for time extension until August 30, 2013 to decommission the pipeline due to potential future utility based on recent lease sale.
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