Geographic Mapping Data in Digital Format

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Geographic Mapping Data in Digital Format

The geographic data are built from the Technical Information Management System (TIMS). TIMS consists of two separate databases: an attribute database and a spatial database. The attribute information for offshore activities is stored in the TIMS database. The spatial database is a combination of the ARC/INFO and FINDER databases and contains all the coordinates and topology information for geographic features. The attribute and spatial databases are interconnected through the use of common data elements in both databases, thereby creating the spatial datasets.

The data in the mapping files are made up of straight-line segments. If an arc existed in the original data, it has been replaced with a series of straight lines that approximate the arc. The Gulf of America OCS Region stores all its mapping data in longitude and latitude format. All coordinates are in NAD 27.

Data can be obtained in three types of digital formats:

  • INTERACTIVE MAP: The ArcGIS web maps are an interactive display of geographic information, containing a basemap, a set of data layers (many of which include interactive pop-up windows with information about the data), an extent, navigation tools to pan and zoom, and additional tools for geospatial analysis.
  • SHP: A Shapefile is a digital vector (non-topological) storage format for storing geometric location and associated attribute information. Shapefiles can support point, line, and area features with attributes held in a dBASE format file.
  • GEODATABASE: An ArcGIS geodatabase is a collection of geographic datasets of various types held in a common file system folder, a Microsoft Access database, or a multiuser relational DBMS (such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Informix, or IBM DB2). The geodatabase is the native data structure for ArcGIS and is the primary data format used for editing and data management.

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Last Updated 
5 & 10 Lease Lines 5 & 10 Lease Lines shapefile geodatabase 2/11/2025 5:41:24 PM Consists of lease term lines that depict the 5, 8, and 10 year lease term areas.

8g Line 8g Line shapefile geodatabase 2/11/2025 5:41:29 PM Contains the information that delineates the Limit of the 8(g) Zone.

Active Lease Polygons Active Lease Polygons shapefile geodatabase 3/3/2025 10:30:04 AM Contains all active lease polygons including whole block leases.

Blocks Blocks shapefile geodatabase 2/11/2025 5:41:00 PM Contains information that defines the Federal lease blocks for the New Orleans Office.

Block Polygons - Clipped Block Polygons - Clipped shapefile geodatabase 2/11/2025 5:40:56 PM Contains information that defines the Federal lease blocks and defines the Federal lease blocks clipped along the Fed/State boundary for the New Orleans Office. Blocks or portion of blocks of the state side of the Fed/State boundary are not included.

BOEM 2012-2017 Final Program Areas shapefile n/a 5/15/2013 1:21:24 PM BOEM has prepared a Five Year Program for 2012-2017. This data is from the Proposed Final Program (PFP), the third in a series of mandated leasing proposals developed for public review before the Secretary of the Interior approves the new Five Year Program for 2012-2017. These areas have since been approved by the Secretary. The areas shown in this layer represent the largest areas that may be considered for leasing within the 5 year period within the Gulf. The zipped file contains four separate GIS shape files. One for each of the Gulf Planning Areas, and an area showing the current congressional moratorium in the Eastern Gulf.

BOEM 2017-2022 OCS Oil and Gas Leasing New Orleans Office Proposed Final Program Area shapefile n/a 1/24/2017 10:19:58 AM BOEM has prepared a Five Year Program for 2017-2022. This data is from the Proposed Final Program (PFP), the third in a series of mandated leasing proposals developed for public review before the Secretary of the Interior approves the new Five Year Program for 2017-2022. These areas have since been approved by the Secretary. The areas shown in this layer represent the largest areas that may be considered for leasing within the 5 year period within the Gulf. The zipped file contains a single GIS shape file. Within the GIS file a user will find separate polygons for each of the Program Areas planned for leasing in the Gulf within the 2017-2022 timeframe. Withdraw areas are now found within a separate GIS file.

BOEM 2019-2024 Draft Proposed Program Area - New Orleans Office shapefile n/a 2/27/2018 4:26:34 PM This layer represents the program areas of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) that could be offered for oil and gas lease sales during 2019-2024. The Secretary of the Interior included these areas for additional analysis and consideration in the 2019-2024 National OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Draft Proposed Program. The Draft Proposed Program is the first of three proposals for OCS oil and gas leasing, and includes 25 of 26 planning areas in each of the four OCS regions. The final decision on areas to be offered for oil and gas lease sales is scheduled to occur in late 2019.

BOEM 2019-2024 DPP Exclusion Option Areas - New Orleans Office shapefile n/a 2/27/2018 4:26:36 PM The Exclusion Option Areas for the 2019-2024 Draft Proposed Program are areas that the Secretary of the Interior has included for additional analysis and consideration in the 2019-2024 National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Proposed Program. The final decision on areas to be offered for oil and gas lease sales is scheduled to occur in late 2019. If a Exclusion Option Area is chosen as part of the final oil and gas lease sale decision, no lease sales will be offered in that area.

Continental Shelf Boundary (CSB) Continental Shelf Boundary (CSB) shapefile geodatabase 2/11/2025 5:41:04 PM The limit of U.S. jurisdiction for offshore mineral development.

District Boundaries District Boundaries shapefile geodatabase 2/11/2025 5:41:08 PM Contains the outlines of the districts for the GOA Region.

Fairways Fairways shapefile geodatabase 2/11/2025 5:41:12 PM Contains the major shipping fairways for the GOA Region.

Fed/State Boundary Fed/State Boundary shapefile geodatabase 2/11/2025 5:41:16 PM Contains the information that delineates the State Seaward Boundary.

Pipelines Pipelines shapefile geodatabase 3/3/2025 10:31:37 AM Contains the points and arcs of the pipeline in the GOA. All pipelines existing in the databases are included.

Planning Area Boundary Planning Area Boundary shapefile geodatabase 2/11/2025 5:41:33 PM Contains the outlines of the New Orleans Office Planning Area Boundary.

Platforms Platforms shapefile geodatabase 3/3/2025 10:32:50 AM Identifies the location of platforms in GOA. All platforms existing in the database are included.

Protraction Polygons Protraction Polygons shapefile geodatabase 11/14/2019 11:55:34 AM Contains information that defines a composite polygon of the areas for the New Orleans Office. This file is based on the OCS Marine Survey Group Official Protraction Diagram (OPD). Each offshore area is defined by an API Number corresponding to those in the API Bulletin Number D12A.

Protraction Polygons - Clipped Protraction Polygons - Clipped shapefile geodatabase 2/11/2025 5:41:53 PM Contains information as above and defines the Federal protractions clipped along the Fed/State boundary for the New Orleans Office. No information in the state side of the Fed/State boundary is included.

Unit Polygons Unit Polygons shapefile geodatabase 3/3/2025 10:35:29 AM Defines the surface delineation of the units in the GOA.
