Active Users:
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Welcome to the File Request System. This system can be used to request and download publicly releasable well log images and well data files. Well Log images are delivered as TIFF images. Well data files are delivered in several format types.
This application uses Login.gov to sign in users. We have developed a FAQ to assist with any questions regarding the transition to Login.gov which can be accessed here:
Login.gov FAQ
After building your set of files, you can request them for download at no charge. Our system will compile your requested files and, when available, email you the link to download. This process can take up to
24 hours depending on our current volume of requests. Your download link will be available for 5 days after it is activated. The current request size limit is
25 GB.
Throughout the process your request will progress through various statuses:
The initital status of your request once it is submitted.
The status of the request when our internal application starts building your custom set of files.
Your custom set is built and published to the web for download. Your download link will be emailed to you, this link will be active for 5 days. You will receive an email from BSEEOnline.Data@bsee.gov and possibly SharePoint App (no-reply@sharepointonline.com). You may need to check your spam or junk folders and add a rule to allow those emails to show in your inbox. The Request Status page on the File Request System should also be updated with an active download link.
Your 5 day download window has passed and your custom set has been removed from the server. Your download link will no longer work.
Using the menu icons above you can navigate through the system and check the status of any requests you've placed.
If you have any questions using the File Request System, please view the
FRS Video Tutorial.
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