Bottomhole Pressure Survey Online Query

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Bottomhole Pressure Survey Online Query (multiregional data)
data last updated: 03-23-2025 02:00 AM(CST)

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Lease Number 
Completion Name 
API Well Number 
Reservoir Name 
Test Date 
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SI Pressure 
BH MD (feet) 
True Vertical Depth (feet) 
BH Pressure 
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 AC024G10379Gulf of AmericaSS001608054000501P1_104/22/2002-142231612902114196745Deep water well. Accepted per Steve Walsh.
 AC024G10379Gulf of AmericaSS001608054000501P1_104/22/2002-142231613348117996959Deep water well. Accepted per Steve Walsh.
 AC024G10379Gulf of AmericaSS001608054000501P1_104/12/20034142354612902114195753Subsea well. Accepted per Steve Walsh.
 AC024G10379Gulf of AmericaSS001608054000501P1_104/12/20034142354613348117995892Subsea well. Accepted per Steve Walsh.
 AC025G10380Gulf of AmericaHA001608054000700P1-1010/7/20008131667713160121716463Deep water well.
 AC025G10380Gulf of AmericaHA002608054000803P1-104/18/20156133107812084115685321 
 AC025G10380Gulf of AmericaHA002608054000803P1-104/18/20156133107814523130395969 
 AC025G10380Gulf of AmericaHA002608054000803P1-103/12/201613133107812084115685312 
 AC025G10380Gulf of AmericaHA002608054000803P1-103/12/201613133107814523130395960 
 AC025G10380Gulf of AmericaHA003608054000902P1-108/7/2001-136219013640123856138Deep water well.
 AC025G10380Gulf of AmericaHA003608054000902P1-104/12/201232134152814499128635669Waiver approved - Diana Deepwater
 AC025G10380Gulf of AmericaHA003608054000902P1-104/12/201232134152814858129165708Waiver approved - Diana Deepwater
 AC025G10380Gulf of AmericaHA004608054001002P1-104/19/20147136220811780117984973Waiver granted by Loc Than letter 6/19/14.
 AC025G10380Gulf of AmericaHA004608054001002P1-104/19/20147136220813635129385409Waiver granted by Loc Than letter 6/19/14.
 AC025G10380Gulf of AmericaHA004608054001002P1-106/19/2014      BHP waiver approved per Loc Van Than on 6/9/14.
 AC025G10380Gulf of AmericaHA005608054001100P1-109/30/2003133136117014499123835459Subsea completion. Accepted per Holly Karrigan.
 AC025G10380Gulf of AmericaHA005608054001100P1-109/30/2003133136117014858125595525Subsea completion. Accepted per Holly Karrigan.
 AC025G10380Gulf of AmericaHA005608054001100P1-103/14/200622136157214858125591557Subsea well; waiver approved per Holly Karrigan.
 AC025G10380Gulf of AmericaHA005608054001100P1-103/14/200622136157214900125805349Subsea well; waiver approved per Holly Karrigan.
 AC025G10380Gulf of AmericaHA005608054001100P1-1010/12/2006-9999999914858125595415Waiver approved per Loc Van Than
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