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Decommissioning Cost Estimates Online Query
data last updated: 03-25-2025 12:00 PM(CST)
Disclaimer: The name of this site has been changed from Lease Liabilities Online Query to Decommissioning Cost Estimates in order to better reflect its content.
The GOA decommissioning cost estimates by BSEE are now shown as a distribution (P50, P70, P90) based on actual decommissioning expenditure data received from OCS operators since mid-2016. This information is shown on a lease, right-of-way, or right of use and easement basis and also contains detail on a well, platform, pipeline, and site clearance level. This data does not indicate which companies are jointly and severally liable for meeting decommissioning obligations nor the amount of financial assurance that may be required, both of which fall under BOEM's area of responsibility.
Note that the total decommissioning cost estimate for any Lease, RUE, or ROW can be found by adding the sum of the deterministic estimate column to the sum of the distribution estimate column of interest (i.e., P50, P70, or P90). Contact for additional information.
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