Company Information

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Company Information

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Company Information includes names, addresses, and company numbers of active or all companies. Lease Owner details lease ownership by percentage and includes the company who is the designated lease operator.

Company Information - Full Page

Online Queries

  • Approvals (Alternate Compliance, Departures and Time Extensions)
  • Company Detail
  • Incidents of Non-Compliance
  • Lease Owner
  • Platform Structure with associated INC count

Scanned Documents

  • Company Files

PDF Report Downloads

  • Company List with Addresses

ASCII Downloads

Please read our disclaimer prior to downloading files. For additional information, visit FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about importing files. For a complete record layout and associated data definitions click on the File Name of interest.

File Name 
Last Updated 
Company (Active) 7/1/2024 6:30:19 AM Fixed Delimit List of all ACTIVE Qualified Companies and Addresses
Company (All) 7/1/2024 6:30:20 AM Fixed Delimit List of ALL Qualified Companies and Addresses
Company (Property and Collateral List Reports) 7/8/2024 12:33:18 PM Excel Property and Collateral List Reports (Updated Monthly)
Lease Owner 7/14/2024 7:30:50 AM Fixed Delimit Current and Historic Owners for all Leases
Lease Owner with Designated Operator 7/14/2024 7:30:34 AM Fixed Delimit Current and Historic Owners and Operators for all Leases