Active Companies Online Query Field Definitions

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Active Companies Online Query Field Definitions

Field Name 
Data Type 
Field Length 
MMS_COMPANY_NUM VARCHAR215The number assigned by the Minerals Management Service to a business entity, individual, or agency with whom MMS does business or exchanges information.
MMS_START_DATE DATE7The date that a business entity began doing business with the Minerals Management Service.
BUS_ASC_NAME VARCHAR2300The name of a **business associate**.
SORT_NAME VARCHAR2225The name of the business entity doing business on the OCS used for sorting purposes. For example, The Louisana Land and Exploration Company would have a short name of LOUISIANA LAND AND EXPLORATION COMPANY, THE and therefore sort with business entities whose name begins with "L."
MMS_TERM_DATE DATE7The date that a business entity is no longer qualified to do business on the OCS with MMS.
PAC_REGION_CODE VARCHAR23Indicates whether a business associate is qualified with the Minerals Management Service's Pacific Region.
GOM_REGION_CODE VARCHAR23Indicates whether a business associate is qualified with the Minerals Management Service's Gulf of Mexico Region.
ALASKA_RGN_CODE VARCHAR23Indicates whether a business associate is qualified with the Minerals Management Service (MMS) Alaska Regional Office.
ATL_REGION_CODE VARCHAR23Indicates whether a business associate is qualified with the Minerals Management Service's Atlantic Region.
DUNS_NUMBER VARCHAR239The unique identifier assigned to a requesting business by Dun and Bradstreet. The first nine digits are assigned by Dun and Bradstreet, the last four are agreed to by the trading partners.
TERM_ACTN_EFF_DT DATE7The date that an action, such as a name change or merger, that causes a business entity to terminate is effective.
TERMINATION_CODE VARCHAR23Indicates the reason a business entity terminates its qualification status with the MMS.
DIVISION_NAME VARCHAR2105The name of the organizational division of an entity used as part of the mailing address.
LINE_1_ADDRESS VARCHAR2105The first line of a street address.
LINE_2_ADDRESS VARCHAR2105The second line of a street address.
CITY_NAME VARCHAR2105The name of the city for the mailing address.
POSTAL_ST_CODE VARCHAR26Indicates the postal code for a state.
ZIP_CODE VARCHAR260The Postal Service designator which delineates the state, county or parish, community, and possibly neighborhood for a residence or business entity.
COUNTRY_NAME VARCHAR2105The name of the country other than the United States of America (USA) where a business entity receives correspondence.

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