Offshore Statistics by Water Depth Field Definitions

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Data Center >> Leasing >> Offshore Statistics by Water Depth >>
Offshore Statistics by Water Depth Field Definitions

Field Name 
Data Type 
Field Length 
APD_APRV_DATE DATE7The date the Application for Permit to Drill(APD) is approved by the Minerals Management Service Field Operations.
API_WELL_NUMBER VARCHAR236 A unique well identification number consisting of (from left to right) a two digit state code (or pseudo for Offshore), a three digit county code (or pseudo for Offshore), a five digit unique well code, and if applicable, a two digit sidetrack code as defined in API Bulletin D12A.
BLK_MAX_WTR_DPTH NUMBER22The point of highest (or maximum) vertical distance from mean sea level to the sea floor for a block. The distance is measured in meters.
COMPLEX_ID_NUM NUMBER22The unique identifier assigned to a single man-made structure or a group of structures connected by a walkway.
INSTALL_DATE DATE7The date that an platform, pipeline, or piece of safety equipment (eqmt) was installed on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).
LEASE_EFF_DATE DATE7The date a lease becomes operative as assigned by the Minerals Management Service.
LEASE_EXPIR_DATE DATE7The date a lease expires, is relinquished or terminated.
LEASE_EXPT_EXPIR DATE7The anticipated day, month, and year on which the lease is scheduled to expire.
LEASE_NUMBER VARCHAR221 The number assigned to a lease by the regulatory agency having jurisdiction over mineral activity in the territory where the lease is located.
PRODUCTION_DATE DATE7The year and month of a production record for a well completion.
REMOVAL_DATE DATE7The date a structure, pipeline, or piece of safety equipment was removed from the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).
WATER_DEPTH NUMBER22The depth of the water at a well/platform location from the water level to the mud line.
WELL_SPUD_DATE DATE7The date that the drilling rig first begins boring into the earth's surface.
WELL_STAT_CD VARCHAR26Indicates the physical status of a well completion during the production month.

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