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Table Description
Tables-2014-xlsx Public.xlsx
2014-TABLE 1, Public
Estimated oil and gas reserves by area,
December 31, 2014.
2014-TABLE 2, Public
Description of deposit-size classes.
2014-TABLE 3, Public
Field and reserves distribution by water depth.
2014-T4-TOP 50, Public
Fields by rank order, based on Original BOE reserves, top 50 fields.
2014-T4 - ALL, Public
Fields by rank order, based on Original BOE reserves, 1,306 fields.
5, Public
Summary and comparison of oil and gas reserves as of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014.
2014-TABLE 6, Public
Oil and gas reserves and cumulative production at end of year, 1975-2014.
HIST-2014, Public
Reserve History for Fields.
Fig 01 - 2014 Reserves Pie, Public.xlsx
BOEM GOA Production and Reserves.
Fig 04 - 06 - 2014 Field Size Distributions, Public.xlsx
Field-size Distribution of All Fields; of Oil Fields; of Gas Fields.
Fig 07 -2014 Cum vs Rank Order field size, Public.xlsx
Cumulative percent total reserves versus rank order of field size.
Fig 08 -2014 Largest 20 fields, Public.xlsx
Largest 20 fields, with associated water depths, ranked by Reserves and compared to Original Reserves.
Fig 09 - 11 - 2014 Reservoir Size Distributions, Public.xlsx
Reservoir-size distributions, combination reservoirs; oil reservoirs; gas reservoirs.
Fig 12 - 14 - 2014 Discovery Patterns, Public.xlsx
Exploratory and Development Wells drilled by water depth and by year. Original Reserves by water depth and reservoir discovery year.
Fig 15 - 2014 Annual Production, Public.xlsx
Annual oil and gas production.
Access database of reserve history for fields by field and year.
2014 - FLDMoPro.accdb
Access database of field monthly production
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