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Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves

Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves,
Gulf of America OCS Region, December 31, 2017
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Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves,
Gulf of America OCS Region, December 31, 2017

BOEM 2019-026

Zipped File Names

Excel File Name

Table Name

Table Description

2017 Tables xlsx

Tables 2017 xlsx Public.xlsx

2017-TABLE 1,

Estimated oil and gas reserves for 1,319 fields by area, December 31, 2017.

2017-TABLE 2,

Description of deposit-size classes.

2017-TABLE 3,

Field and reserves distribution by water depth.

2017-T4-TOP 50,

A listing of Gulf of America fields by rank order, based on original BOE reserves, top 50 fields.

2017-T4 - ALL,

A listing of Gulf of America fields by rank order, based on original BOE reserves, 1,319 fields.

2017-TABLE 5,

Summary and comparison of oil and gas reserves as of December 31, 2016 and December 31, 2017.

2017-TABLE 6

Oil and gas reserves and cumulative production at end of year, 1975-2017.


Reserve History for Fields.

2017 Figures

Fig 01 - 2017 Reserves Pie, Public.xlsx

BOEM GOA Production and Reserves.

Fig 02 - 2017

BOEM conventionally recoverable petroleum resource classifications.

Fig 04 - 06 - 2017 Field Size Distributions, Public.xlsx

Field-size Distribution of All Fields; of Oil Fields; of Gas Fields.

Fig 07 -2017 Cum vs Rank Order field size, Public.xlsx

Cumulative percent total reserves versus rank order of field size.

Fig 08 -2017 Largest 20 fields, Public.xlsx

Largest 20 fields, with associated water depths, ranked by Reserves and compared to Original Reserves.

Fig 09 - 11 - 2017 Reservoir Size Distributions, Public.xlsx

Reservoir-size distributions, combination reservoirs; oil reservoirs; gas reservoirs.

Fig 12 - 14 - 2017 Discovery Patterns, Public.xlsx

Exploratory and Development Wells drilled by water depth and by year. Original Reserves by water depth and reservoir discovery year.

Fig 15 - 2017 Annual Production, Public.xlsx

Annual oil and gas production.

Fig 16 Pleistocene, Public.xlsx

Pleistocene Reserves
Shelf <= 200m (656 ft) and
Pleistocene Reserves
Slope > 200m (656 ft)

Fig 17 Pliocene, Public.xlsx

Pliocene Reserves
Shelf <= 200m (656 ft) and
Pliocene Reserves
Slope > 200m (656 ft)

Fig 18 Upper Miocene, Public.xlsx

Upper Miocene Reserves
Shelf <= 200m (656 ft) and
Upper Miocene Reserves
Slope > 200m (656 ft)

Fig 19 Middle Miocene, Public.xlsx

Middle Miocene Reserves
Shelf <= 200m (656 ft) and
Middle Miocene Reserves
Slope > 200m (656 ft)

Fig 20 Lower Miocene, Public.xlsx

Lower Miocene Reserves
Shelf <= 200m (656 ft) and
Lower Miocene Reserves
Slope > 200m (656 ft)

Fig 21 Lower Tertiary, Public.xlsx

Lower Tertiary Reserves
Slope > 200m (656 ft)

Fig 22 Table James, Public.xlsx

James Reserves
Shelf <= 200m (656 ft) and

Fig 23 Norphlet, Public.xlsx

Norphlet Reserves
Shelf <= 200m (656 ft) and


2017 Hist.accdb

Access database of reserve history for fields by field and year.



2017 FldMoPro.accdb

Access database of field monthly production