Permanent Deepwater Structures Field Definitions

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Permanent Deepwater Structures Field Definitions

Field Name 
Data Type 
Field Length 
BUS_ASC_NAME VARCHAR2300The name of a **business associate**.
AREA_CODE VARCHAR26The designated abbreviation assigned to Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) geographical units for identification purposes and for use on maps and in data bases.
BLOCK_NUMBER VARCHAR218Identifies a subdivision of an Official Protraction Diagram.
STRUCTURE_NAME VARCHAR245The name of the structure assigned by the owner.
MANNED_24_HR_FL VARCHAR23An indicator of whether a location has personnel on board 24 hours per day.
WATER_DEPTH NUMBER22The depth of the water at a well/platform location from the water level to the mud line.
INSTALL_DATE DATE7The date that an platform, pipeline, or piece of safety equipment (eqmt) was installed on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).

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