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There are currently four groups of files available for request through the File Request System Well Data Query. Here are some brief descriptions of each group. If you have further questions, please email
Well Data
Well data are primarily the scanned images of well bore data (excluding well log images) submissions and electronic versions of those submissions (submitted digitally since 2006). Data types include core data and analyses, directional surveys, paleontological and biostratigraphic reports, PVT reports, formation test reports, geochemical analyses, velocity surveys, and related data.
Well Files
Well files are primarily the scanned images of well-related data submissions and electronic versions of those submissions via the eWell Permitting and Reporting System (submitted digitally since 2003). Data types include applications for permits to drill, applications for permits to modify, end of operations reports, weekly activity reports, sundry reports, well completion reports, and a variety of other related regulatory filings.
Well Log Images
Well log images are the graphical representations of the electrical, acoustic, resistive, etc. properties of the formations in the well bore which are gathered by tool suites and assemblies. BSEE well log image records are the TIFF files of all well logs submitted by operators.
Raw Log Files
Raw log files are the original, digital well log data submitted to BSEE by OCS operators. These data are presented in Canadian Well Log Society Log ASCII Standard (LAS), Version 2.0, Digital Log Interchange Standard (DLIS), and/or Log Interchange Standard (LIS) formats. There have been no corrections, revisions, quality control/assurance checks, compliance checks, or format standardizations performed to these data. BSEE makes no guarantee that these data are correct, complete, or defect-free. BSEE first required the submittal of digital well log data in September 1996. Due to contractual changes in September 2004, the new digital well data processing contractor at that time began retaining all operator submitted discs at their facilities. All raw digital data media received under previous contracts for wells that reached total depth between September 1996 and September 2004 were destroyed by damage to the BSEE New Orleans office during Hurricane Katrina. Therefore, no raw digital well log data are available prior to September 2004. As with all other raw data on the Data Center, BSEE does not provide support for raw digital well log data. It is provided as an additional resource and suggested only for those with advanced knowledge of the data involved. Files smaller than 5 KB may or may not contain valid digital data.
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