Well Data Field Definitions

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Well Data Field Definitions

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Field Name 
Data Type 
Field Length 
DOC_ID VARCHAR2162Unique and sequential id assigned to the electronic documents or files such as image, word document, powerpoint presentation, video, audio, text, and pdf
API VARCHAR254 A unique well identification number consisting of (from left to right) a two digit state code (or pseudo for Offshore), a three digit county code (or pseudo for Offshore), a five digit unique well code, and if applicable, a two digit sidetrack code as defined in API Bulletin D12A.
WELL_NAME VARCHAR224 The name assigned to the well. It may be a special name or the name of the property to which the well belongs.
WELL_NAME_SUFFIX VARCHAR224An extension to the well name that indicates the number of times that a new wellbore has been drilled.
BLOCK VARCHAR227Identifies a subdivision of an Official Protraction Diagram.
AREA VARCHAR2150The designated abbreviation assigned to Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) geographical units for identification purposes and for use on maps and in data bases.
RUN_DATE DATE7This is the date that the object (which is a query or job defined in the system) was executed.
FILE_SIZE NUMBER22The size, in bytes, of a file uploaded through the OMM E-Business web site.
LOG_PKG_VOLUME VARCHAR224The number the cd is assigned which links the well log index to the TIFF images, and is the folder name for the images that are filed on the the raster_logs directory.
BARCODE_ID VARCHAR227The unique bar code number assigned to the data item for identification, processing, retrieval, and storage.
COMMENTS VARCHAR24000Textual entry to define remark made by a technician.
SOURCE NUMBER22Identifies the source that created a TIFF image, document etc. In the case of well logs it is the contractor or company that created the well log TIFF image.
WATER_DEPTH NUMBER22The depth of the water at a well/platform location from the water level to the mud line.
CREATED_DATE DATE7The date the record was created by the user.

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