| VARCHAR2 | 6 | The designated abbreviation assigned to Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) geographical units for identification purposes and for use on maps and in data bases. |
| VARCHAR2 | 18 | Identifies a subdivision of an Official Protraction Diagram. |
| VARCHAR2 | 24 | Name of the field in which the well is located. |
| VARCHAR2 | 45 | The name of the structure assigned by the owner. |
| NUMBER | 22 | A unique number assigned to a specific structure within a complex. |
| VARCHAR2 | 15 | An indicator of the type of structure. |
| VARCHAR2 | 300 | The name of a **business associate**. |
| NUMBER | 22 | The unique identifier assigned to a single man-made structure or a group of structures connected by a walkway. |
| VARCHAR2 | 3 | An indicator of whether a platform contains at least 6 completions or contains more than 2 pieces of production equipment. |
| DATE | 7 | The date that an platform, pipeline, or piece of safety equipment (eqmt) was installed on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). |
| DATE | 7 | The date a structure, pipeline, or piece of safety equipment was removed from the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). |
| NUMBER | 22 | An indicator assigned to a sub-office of an Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) regional office which has delegated authority for field operations activities including: permitting wells, inspections, drilling, and production operations. |
| VARCHAR2 | 3 | An indicator of whether a heliport is present. |
| VARCHAR2 | 21 | The number assigned to a lease by the regulatory agency having jurisdiction over mineral activity in the territory where the lease is located. |
| NUMBER | 22 | The depth of the water at a well/platform location from the water level to the mud line. |
| NUMBER | 22 | The angular distance north or south of the equator measured in degrees along a meridian. Maximum length, and decimal length in the business table can be either 12, 8 for all other components or 13, 9 for Lease and Sale components respectively.
| NUMBER | 22 | The angular distance on the earth, east or west of the prime meridian at Greenwich, England, to the point on the earth's surface for which the position is being determined. Maximum length, and decimal length in the business table can be either 13, 8 for all other components or 14, 9 for Lease and Sale components respectively. |
| VARCHAR2 | 6 | The indicator of the North American Datum the data was produced under. |
| VARCHAR2 | 9 | An indicator of the projection code used to generate the x and y coordinates. |
| NUMBER | 22 | The X coordinate used to describe the surface location. |
| NUMBER | 22 | The Y coordinate used to describe the surface location. |
| NUMBER | 22 | North/South footage or distance that represents the length of a measurement from an identifiable line. /The distance from the borehole surface location to either the north or south block boundary. |
| VARCHAR2 | 3 | North/South descriptor that indicates the direction of a measurement from an identifiable line. /Indicates whether the surface borehole location is measured from the north (N) or south (S) block boundary. |
| NUMBER | 22 | East_West footage or distance that represents the length of a measurement from an identifiable line./The distance from the borehole surface location to either the east or west block boundary. |
| VARCHAR2 | 3 | East/West descriptor that indicates the direction of a measurement from an identifiable line./Indicates whether the surface borehole location is measured from either the east (E) or west (W) block boundary. |
| VARCHAR2 | 3 | An indicator of whether a location is manned 8 hours per day. |
| VARCHAR2 | 3 | An indicator of whether a location has personnel on board 24 hours per day. |
| DATE | 7 | The date the platform site was reported cleared of excess steel and trash. |
| VARCHAR2 | | OCS Lease, State Lease, Right-of-Way, Right-of-Use and Easement or Time Extension |
| VARCHAR2 | | The number assigned to a lease or grant by the regulatory agency having jurisdiction over mineral activity in the territory where the lease is located. |
| VARCHAR2 | | Identifies the development stage of a lease or grant. |
| NUMBER | 22 | Count of Incidents of Non-Compliance (INCs) issued to an operator. Does not include rescinded INCs. |
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