FMP Online Query Field Definitions

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FMP Online Query Field Definitions

Field Name 
Data Type 
Field Length 
SN_MEAS_LOC NUMBER22An autogenerated sequence number which uniquely identifies each instance of a measurement location record.
SN_MEAS_LOC_OUT NUMBER22Autogenerated sequence number which uniquely identifies each instance of a output measurement location.
SN_MEAS_LOC_SLS NUMBER22Autogenerated sequence number which uniquely identifies each instance of a sales measurement location.
FMP_NUMBER VARCHAR233The official Federal number assigned to either:(1) A facility that sells, stores, or transfers Federal production prior to or at the point of royalty determination. (2) A metering point where Federal production is measured for sales, transfers, and/or royalty determination.
FMP_NAME VARCHAR290A name used to identify the facility/measurement point.
FMP_LOC_NAME VARCHAR275A name used to identify the facility/measurement point location.
FMP_MEAS_TYP_CD VARCHAR29An indicator of the method of measurement at facility/measurement point.
FMP_OPERATOR_NUM VARCHAR215The number assigned by the Minerals Management Service to a business entity, individual, or agency with whom MMS does business or exchanges information\ as applied to the company that operates the facility measurement point.
FMP_STAT_EFF_DT DATE7The date the facility/measurement point (fmp) status is effective.
COMGL_PROD_CD NUMBER22An indicator of the type of commingled production handled by a facility/measurement point.
BUS_ASC_NAME VARCHAR2300The name of a **business associate**.

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