| VARCHAR2 | 24 | Name of the field in which the well is located. |
| VARCHAR2 | 21 | The number assigned to a lease by the regulatory agency having jurisdiction over mineral activity in the territory where the lease is located. |
| VARCHAR2 | 18 | The name assigned to the completion by the lease operator. |
| VARCHAR2 | 36 | A unique well identification number consisting of (from left to right) a two digit state code (or pseudo for Offshore), a three digit county code (or pseudo for Offshore), a five digit unique well code, and if applicable, a two digit sidetrack code as defined in API Bulletin D12A. |
| VARCHAR2 | 72 | The name given to an oil or gas reservoir. |
| DATE | 7 | The date that the identified test was run. The tests involved are: drillstem test, production, initial potential, reservoir limits, etc.\The date the bottomhole pressure test was conducted. |
| VARCHAR2 | 40 | The time that the well is shut-in while conducting the bottomhole pressure test. |
| NUMBER | 22 | The temperature of the reservoir fluids when conducting the bottomhole pressure test. |
| NUMBER | 22 | The pressure that is determined while conducting the bottomhole pressure test. |
| NUMBER | 22 | The measured depth from the rig kelly bushing to the depth where the bottomhole pressure test is conducted. |
| NUMBER | 22 | The true vertical depth from the surface to the depth where the bottomhole pressure test is performed. |
| NUMBER | 22 | The pressure as determined by the bottomhole pressure test. |
| VARCHAR2 | 4000 | An explanation, comment, or definition associated with an individual record. |
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