| NUMBER | 22 | Autogenerated sequence number which uniquely identifies each instance of a Weekly Activity Report (WAR). |
| DATE | 7 | The starting date of the report period for which a weekly activity report for a particular well is submitted. |
| DATE | 7 | The ending date of the report period for which a weekly activity report for a particular well is submitted. |
| VARCHAR2 | 120 | The business associate person designated as the representative for doing business with the Minerals Management Service. |
| VARCHAR2 | 30 | The telephone number associated with a particular business associate. |
| VARCHAR2 | 300 | The name of the drilling rig, assigned by the drilling contractor. |
| NUMBER | 22 | The depth of the water at a well/platform location from the water level to the mud line. |
| NUMBER | 22 | The distance from the rig's kelly bushing to mean sea level. |
| DATE | 7 | The date the last test of the blowout preventer (BOP) stack was performed. |
| NUMBER | 22 | The pressure measured during the test of the ram blowout preventer, expressed in pounds per square inch. |
| NUMBER | 22 | The pressure (expressed in square pounds per inch) measured during the test of the annular blowout preventer. |
| VARCHAR2 | 300 | The name of a **business associate**. |
| VARCHAR2 | 15 | The number assigned by the Minerals Management Service to a business entity, individual, or agency with whom MMS does business or exchanges information. |
| VARCHAR2 | 36 | A unique well identification number consisting of (from left to right) a two digit state code (or pseudo for Offshore), a three digit county code (or pseudo for Offshore), a five digit unique well code, and if applicable, a two digit sidetrack code as defined in API Bulletin D12A. |
| VARCHAR2 | 15 | The name assigned to the well. It may be a special name or the name of the property to which the well belongs. |
| VARCHAR2 | 6 | A 2 digit numerical suffix to the well number that identifies the number of times that a specific segment of a wellbore has been re-drilled to the same geologic objective.
| VARCHAR2 | 6 | A 2 digit numerical suffix to the well number that identifies the number of times a well has been drilled to a new geologic objective. |
| VARCHAR2 | 21 | The number assigned to a lease by the regulatory agency having jurisdiction over mineral activity in the territory where the lease is located. |
| VARCHAR2 | 6 | The indicator used to identify an area name. |
| VARCHAR2 | 18 | Identifies a subdivision of an Official Protraction Diagram\ as applied to the subdivision containing the surface location of a well. |
| VARCHAR2 | 21 | The number assigned to the lease that contains the bottom location of a well. |
| VARCHAR2 | 6 | The designated abbreviation assigned to Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) geographical units for identification purposes and for use on maps and in data bases as applied to the bottomhole location of a well. |
| VARCHAR2 | 18 | Identifies a subdivision of an Official Protraction Diagram as applied to the subdivision containing the bottomhole location of a well. |
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